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Mathematics statement of intent:

At Emmanuel, Mathematics is a key component of our broad and balanced curriculum as we aspire for all children to experience ‘life in all its fullness’.  We intend for our Mathematics curriculum to:

  • Fulfil the aims of the National Curriculum
  • Develop a love of learning for the subject by providing children with the opportunity to apply their skills to a range of contexts and real-life situations. We encourage children to see the value of Mathematics by applying their mathematical skills to other subjects too such as DT (measurement and shape) and Science (measurement and statistics).
  • Develop positive mental health by building resilience through opportunities for all children to develop their fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills, regardless of their starting points. Those who have mastered the content of the lesson are also extended through the provision of investigative activities and challenges, which encourage curiosity and mathematical reasoning.

Introduction to Mathematics 

Mathematics is a highly-regarded subject here at Emmanuel and our teaching aims to build strong foundations in number fluency and automaticity.  We do this through carefully sequenced lessons that build upon knowledge term-by-term and year-by-year, using a range of visual and concrete resources to help children learn.

The White Rose mathematics programme provides a systematic and structural approach to Mathematics teaching across the year groups. This programme of study has been adapted to suit the needs of our pupils so that key concepts are revisited throughout the year.  Mathematics is taught through these key concepts:

  • Number – number and place value
  • Number – addition and subtraction
  • Number – multiplication and division (KS1 and KS2)
  • Number – fractions (including decimals and percentages)
  • Measurement
  • Geometry – properties of shapes
  • Geometry – position and direction
  • Statistics
  • Ratio and proportion (UKS2)
  • Algebra (UKS2)

Mathematics skills from EYFS to Year 6

The teaching of mathematics starts in the Early Years, where children will begin to develop their understanding of numbers up to 10, learn to recognise numbers and amounts and automatically recall number bonds up to 5 and 10.  They will also be able to count beyond 20, compare quantities up to 10 and explore and represent patterns within numbers up to 10, including evens and odds and doubles.

In KS1, children continue to develop their number skills, allowing them to develop confidence and fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value.  They will begin to recognise, describe and draw different shapes and understand the vocabulary related to them as well as being introduced to a range of measures to describe different quantities such as length, mass, capacity, time and money.  By the end of Year 2, pupils should know their number bonds to 20 fluently and begin to know their multiplication tables.

In KS2, pupils will become increasingly fluent with whole numbers and the four operations, including number facts and concepts of place value and by the end of Year 4, pupils should be able to confidently recall their multiplication tables up to, and including, the 12 times table.  As children move into the upper key stage, they will begin to deal with a wider range of problems, including problems that demand efficient written and mental methods of calculating. Children will also be confident in classifying shapes with increasingly complex geometric properties and use the correct vocabulary to describe them.  By the end of Year 6, pupils should be fluent in written methods of all four operations, including long multiplication and division, and in working with fractions, decimals and percentages.


Key Documents: