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Our Inclusive School


Our SENDCo is Kylie McManus.  She can be contacted on:

Emmanuel is an inclusive school where we actively seek to remove the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude individual pupils, or groups of pupils. We welcome and celebrate diversity.

The school’s excellent inclusive practices were recognised when Emmanuel received the Camden Award for Inclusion from Camden Local Educational Authority in June 2013. 

We support children through one to one, small group work and interventions led by teaching assistants, our learning mentor and teachers. We work collaboratively with external professionals, such as Speech and Language Therapists and Educational Psychologists, to ensure that children all make good progress.  All our children are carefully tracked and monitored through their everyday learning and their progress is reviewed every term.

Click below to read our SEN Policy, updated to be inline with the new Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice (2014)


Below are a list of useful resources to support children with additional needs:


Here are some additional resources to support pupils with SEN, and their parents and carers, during the school closure.

Routines and visual timetables

Daily schedule

Daily routine cards

Now, Next, Then board

Sensory activities you can do at home

Photo-collage of sensory activities to do at home

Speech and Language activities

Everyday activities to develop communication

Attention and listening activities

Conversation activities

Creating a communication friendly environment

EYFS and KS1 vocabulary activities

KS2 word games for supporting vocabulary

Sentence activities

Storytelling activities

Calming activities

Calm Zone

Colouring in

‘Star’ breathing technique

‘I can calm myself down’ prompt cards

Activities on emotions and talking about feelings

Sharing worries

‘Recognising our feelings’ workbook

Growth Mindset
The Big Life Journal website gives free resources every week including these activities